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Training Product Models

Product models enable you to generate consistent images of your products across different styles and contexts, from 3D mockups to illustrations and realistic advertising imagery.

Creating a Product Model

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Click on "Create new model" in the navigation

  2. Enter your title

  3. Select the category "Object / Product"

  4. Define your type (e.g., watch, beverage, or building)

  5. Upload 5-15 high-quality images of your product

  6. Click on "Train Model"

  7. Wait for notification (approximately 5 minutes) via email and platform

Tips for Creating Great Product Models

Image Selection

  • Focus on single, well-lit objects

  • Include a minimum of 5-10 high-quality, consistent images

  • Remove any images that don't represent the product well

  • Exclude images showing the product from unusual angles (avoid images showing the product from the back or side)

Quality Considerations

  • Use high-resolution product photographs

  • Ensure consistent lighting and presentation

  • Remove blurry or low-quality images

  • Avoid images showing the product's back or side views

  • If limited images are available, duplicate your best ones

Product Presentation

  • Maintain consistent scale across images

  • Ensure product is clearly visible and well-lit

  • Avoid unusual colors or distorted representations

Your product model's effectiveness depends on the quality and consistency of your training images. Take time to properly prepare and select your training set for optimal results.

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