Viewing Your Favorites
When you navigate to the "My Favorites" page, you'll see a comprehensive overview of all the images you've added to your favorites list. These images are displayed in the same way as your Gallery, with the newest favorites at the top.
Interacting with Favorite Images
Hovering over a favorited image will reveal two additional options:
Download: Click the download icon to save the full-resolution version of the image to your local device.
Remove from Favorites: If you no longer wish to keep an image in your favorites, simply click the filled heart icon to remove it.
Benefits of Favorites
Easy Access: The Favorites page gives you a centralized location to view and interact with your most cherished images.
Organizational Tool: Use favorites to quickly identify your best work or images you want to prioritize for specific projects.
Workflow Integration: Seamlessly move between the Favorites page and the Image Editor to optimize your images.
Accessing the Image Editor
You can open the Image Editor directly from the Favorites page by clicking on any of the images. This will allow you to further refine, enhance, or repurpose your top-picked creations.
Make the most of your Samsa.AI creations by leveraging the Favorites page to curate and manage your top picks.